Have you recently been involved in a car accident? If so, you need to make sure you get as much value for your car as possible. If you decide to repair your car, you need to make sure you maximize the value of your vehicle. Even though it is possible for your car to be effected by depreciation following a car collision, there are ways for you to maximize your value after a crash. Even if you need car paint, and even if your car has body damage, there are still a few steps you can take to improve the value of your car. What are a few key points you should keep in mind?
Does an Accident Reduce the Value of a Car?
Yes. Your car can also lose a significant amount of its value if it has been involved in a collision. Of course, if your car is completely crushed, its value is going to be damaged significantly; however, even a minor fender-bender can also significantly harm the value of your vehicle because a diminished value claim is registered on the vehicle history report.
Related article: What to Do if Collision Repairs Aren’t Done Properly.
Tips for Boosting the Vehicle’s Value Following a Crash
Even though an accident can harm the value of your vehicle, there are ways to maximize your car’s resale value. What are a few points you should note?
Make the Necessary Repairs
The first thing you need to do is make the necessary repairs. There is a good chance that your insurance company is going to ask an adjuster to take a look at your vehicle; however, you also control the body shop to which your car goes. Therefore, make sure your vehicle is inspected by a trusted and experienced car mechanic that you know and trust. That way, you can figure out what the necessary repairs are. If you make the necessary repairs to your vehicle, it will show that you are taking care of it and work towards increasing its value.
Consider Making Upgrades to Your Car
You can also increase the value of your car by keeping up with its maintenance. If you keep your car in good working order after making the necessary repairs, you will increase its value. Furthermore, you may be able to talk with your mechanic about installing upgrades in your car. Even though you may have to replace some parts that are damaged, this could be an opportunity for you to make a few upgrades. If you do exactly that, you may be able to maximize the value of your vehicle even if it has been involved in a motor vehicle accident.
Add a New Coat of Paint
In addition, you also need to add a new coat of paint if you would like to increase the value of your vehicle. If your vehicle has suffered some paint damage in a car accident, this is a perfect opportunity for you to paint the entire thing. Even though it may be more expensive than fixing a few spots of damage on your car, you can also increase the return on your investment if you add a new coat of paint to your vehicle. Any prospective buyer is immediately going to like that your car has fresh paint on it.
Use the Right Parts To Repair Body Damage
Finally, you also need to repair any body damage your car has suffered using the right parts. Even though you may think you can save money on the cost of repairs by going with some discount parts, these discount parts are not going to last as long. As a result, you may end up back in the body shop dealing with major repairs later. Work with a mechanic who understands exactly what type of parts your car needs. This will maximize its value if you decide to sell it later. That is where we can help you.
Related article: Learn About the Future of Collision Repair.
Contact Badell’s Collision To Increase Your Car’s Value Following a Car Accident
If you have recently been involved in a motor vehicle accident, make sure you rely on experts who understand how to get your car back to its best possible value. At Badell’s Collision, we have an unparalleled level of experience when it comes to repairing motor vehicles following a car collision. We will work with you personally, making sure your car receives the care it deserves. We have connections with some of the top suppliers in the industry, making sure that we use the best equipment and materials to help you repair your car. That way, we can help you maximize the value of your vehicle after a crash. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.